
Acryl 40x50


Acryl 40x50


Acryl 40x50

African Memories

Make sure you have crossed the river before you tell the crocodile had a bad breath.


Silence condemns more effectively than loud accusations

Acryl 40x50 


The darkness of the night can't stop the  light of the morning

 Acryl 40x50 


A man's heart changes as often as does the autumn sky.

Oil 30x40 

The River Aare

Rivers and mountains may change; human nature, never.

 Acryl/Oil 100x120 (SOLD)


I'am Said

Acryl: 40x50  

Often one finds one's destiny just where one hides to avoid it

Ruins of an old Bridge

 Aryl 30x40 


Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it


Acryl 40x50 

Sudden memory of Kenya

Mountain Lake

Acryl 40x50 

Often, watching a landscape ,it wakes-up emotions with no relation to the actual

Swiss Memory

Acryl 40x50

It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room, especially when it is not there

Early Morning Riverside

We know the worth of water when the well is dry.


Oil/Acryl 40x50

My Way

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

Oil 60x80

Quite Waters

Destroy a country, but its mountains and rivers remain.

Oil/Acryl 40x50

Bloody Hot

Watch the fire burn on the other side of the river.

 Acryl 70x90

Early morning snow

Acryl 40x50

You can't avoid birds flying over your head , but you can avoid them to build a nest in your hair

Blue Moon

Oil 60x90  SOLD

Promises are like the full moon: if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day


Blue Forest

 Oil 40x50

Silence is a source of great strength

Rejecting to surrender

Oil/Acryl 70x90 

There is no strength without unity.

Heavy Rainfall

Acryl 30x90  (Sold)

 If rain bothers you, you can always jump into the sea.

Burning Forest

Oil/Acryl 70x90 

Swiss river

Acryl 30x40  (Sold)

Only the man who crosses the river at night knows the value of the light of day.

Old Tree in Venezuela

Acryl 40x50  

Sometimes you lose a forest through the trees. (SOLD)

Dunes of Bloemendaal

Acryl 30x90

Whenever the water rises, the boat will rise too.


Acryl 30x90  

 All cats are grey in the dark

Golden Times

Acryl 40x50 

A good bee never lands on a fallen flower.


Oil/Acryl 70x90

The best memory is not so firm as faded ink.

Midnight Circles

Oil 90x120 

The loss of one night's sleep is followed by ten days of inconvenience.

Black Beauty

Acryl  40x50

Fortune and flowers do not last forever.


Acryl 60x80 

Imagination is more important then knowledge


Acryl 40x50

Hurrican Lothar

Acryl 30x90

The day of the storm is not the time for thatching your roof.

Washington January 6 2021


Acryl 40x50 


Art is a kind of mentaml confusion

Acyl/Oil 0x50


No matter where you go, your destiny follows you

Acryl 40x50